Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Chapter 16

My blog is about the time during World War II and a lot of the impact from the Japanese internment camps and the Holocaust. I had chose 4 important people that stuck out to me during the war and Hitler's leadership. I shared my opinion about how I felt about these situations that people were put through and how nothing is done to prevent the disasters. This was a terrible time because people were judged against their race, when leaders tried to make things better it all just got worse.

What Chapter 16 is about.

Chapter 16 is about Hitler and his leadership of the people. Also how he had began to put Jews into camps and starve them before he decided to kill off their race. Then the World War II and how German's wanted to fight the Soviets because of disagreements. On the other hand Americans had out Japanese into internment camps because of their distrusting theory, which is similar to the Holocaust but not as bad because they took a separate race and singled them out from other races.

4 Important People at this Time


 Hitler is an important person during this time because he had basically lead the world into World War II. Hitler had become the Fuhrur and had wanted everyone to be equal, he decided to get rid of the Jews, Gypsies, Mentally Ill and Homosexuals. He had convinced his country that he would be the best choice for them to succeed in the crisis they have been going through. Hitler wanted to make his people and his country stronger as a nation.

Winston Churchill was the prime minister of Britain, he had lead the country to great strength. At a young age he had had a speech defect but as he got older grew out of it. Also he had declared the effort to destroy Germany. After the fall of France Churchill had quoted that his country would not give into the Nazis. His people, especially the Londoners had talked highly about him because of the greatness they saw in him to make a change for the better of the people.
General Erwin Rommel was accused of being in the plot to assassinate Hitler. He wanted to make it so all Allie powers could get along. Rommel has been accused of being under conspiracy with the plot to get rid of Hitler but was never fully discovered if true. General Rommel faced defeats in North Africa when the German army went up against the Soviet Union in Stalingrad. This had caused more controversy for Stalingrad because the city was basically demolished after the Battle of Stalingrad.

General Dwight Eisenhower was a very popular man that was liked by many people because of his personality. In 1943 Eisenhower became commander of Allied forces in Europe, which lead to joining the forces of Britain and America to stop Nazi aggression. General Eisenhower set up a plan to attack Germans but they did not know where this was going to happen. He was a smart man because he was able to come up with a plan and hide it so that the enemies were not expecting an attack.  


 Cartoons/ Propaganda

Churchill appears to be trying to attack Hitler because they had their own conflicts when Churchill wanted to stop Nazi power. Mussolini and Hitler both have commons because they tried to control their country to make it a better place. Also they had killed thousands of people potentially seeming as a genocide. I see this picture this way because during World War II many people were fighting and situations had been cruel and unusual.
This is a picture of the Japanese being taken to internment camps. The Americans made it look like a good thing, when in reality they didn't trust the Japanese after Pearl Harbor and fight on the Pacific so they took them into internment camps even if they only had ancestors of Japanese decent. Also it was based on racism because the law even said in a time of war it was safer to take them in if they weren't sure who was a threat. This isn't fair to Japanese because it was in humane to keep them in little horse stalls until certain they were safe.
Stalin wanted full control of his country and for communism to spread throughout the world so everyone would be under direct control. Hitler had basically the same idea because he felt his leadership would be best for the country. He wanted to wipe out the Jews and make every person equally in common. This propaganda would give the people what they wanted because at the time they needed a strong leader, someone that could take control and that's what they thought Hitler was there for, not to wipe out an entire race.

Specific Event 

After the conflict with the U.S. and Japanese the U.S. had suspicion about the Japanese and if they were really safe. The bombing of Pearl Harbor and when America dropped the bombs on Japan were wrong choices and the situation could have been handled differently. The Americans were edgy about the Japanese even those that lived in the U.S. and the government had come up with an alternative to the problem. The U.S. government ordered the Japanese to live internment camps, these places were horse stalls and they had cleaned them to their best ability but doing this was wrong. Japanese that hadn't even posed a threat were still taken into these camps and left until otherwise. Americans made it seem like a good place and that the Japanese weren't being harmed or misused but they were. It doesn't make sense to treat people like this because of their race and think its okay, when Hitler had basically done the same thing but killed off a lot more people and Americans actually fight for them.

Connect Across Time

 Since 2003 there has been Genocide in Dafur, Africa that is in act by their government and miltias. Men, women and children are being raped and killed everyday and suffering from no help from anyone. Their cities are being destroyed by the Janjaweed,  devils on horseback. This problem reminds me of the Holocaust because Hitler's intentions were to kill off a whole race. The Jes didn't fit into Hitler's perfect world and so Hitler wanted the Jews to die off instead of killing them so quickly. Innocent people were starved and killed each day or put into camps to die in. Many mistakes are repeated throughout life because people never learn. There is still Genocide going on today and no other country is trying to prevent this from happening. The Holocaust took many lives made many Jews suffer, the world will never learn so horrifying situations will be repeated.

Work Cited

Bhaumik, Subir.German, Good. Disinformation. Hitler and Frankenstein Running for Office in
India.  Feb. 2013.
William Mitchell College of Law. World Without Genocide. Dafur Genocide. 2003.
Iwontakuska's Blog. Wordpress. Dafur Genocide. 2010.
Carla, Olivia. Glogster. German Propaganda Poster WWII.

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